01 August 2010

oh the times they are a changin'


i love this commercial. it so hits home for me!

9-11 hours. that's the time difference between where i currently call "home" and where the majority of my friends and family live.  i love that at the push of a button i can not only hear their voices, but see their smiling faces! it wasn't so long ago that some movie, set way in the future, featured this method of communication and we were all mesmerized. now we all carry it around in our purses and can get in some quality "FaceTime"  whenever we like!

in its brief 30 seconds, this commercial brilliantly brings to life the whole concept of globalization.  as our ability to create new technology increases exponentially, so does our ability to reach further faster opening ourselves up to a whole world of possibilities.

what's next, skype in 3D?!

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