08 August 2010

falcons on a plane

snakes on a plane was so four years ago... i'm talking FALCONS on a plane.

falcons are one of the top pets in the UAE.  Falconry is a sport in which trained birds of prey capture game for their humans.  Think this is just a sport of the rich and famous or a trendy pet of the week you might see Paris Hilton toting around?  Try again, not so long ago when this was a Bedouin community, these birds were trained to hunt for them as a supplement to their scarce desert diets so falconry is a revered practice for people of all statures. Falconry is also a highly respected sport in the UAE because they believe it to be one that teaches endurance, strength, and patience. 

Falcons get some special treatment around here.  Number one, they have falcon hospitals!  The Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital has had 35,000 patients since they've opened 10 years ago.  They also have a falcon museum and offer tours of the hospital where you get to actually let a falcon sit on your arm (this is definitely a must do)!

Secondly,  it is estimated that the UAE spends $27 million USD anually on the protection and conservation of wild falcons! 

AND thirdly, to tend to the namesake of this blog post.  Both on Emirates and Etihad Airways, your falcon can fly with you on the plane!  I'm not talking in some little carrier like a Chihuahua that has to be under the seat the entire time... just hangin' out in the cabin on your arm.  Your falcon also gets a passport!

I haven't encountered this yet, but the idea of a falcon sitting next to me for a 14 hour flight is well, a little scary to me.  those things have some serious beaks and talons!  falcons on a plane... i'm sayin'!

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