28 August 2010

end of august

here we are kids, the end of august, about two-thirds the way through ramadan, and nearing the end of summer.

with most everything closed during the day for ramadan there is a bit of a shortage of things to do on the weekends.  laying by the pool can be treacherous since no eating or drinking in public is allowed.  so this weekend i decided to hit up a very popular indoor activity in the UAE.... "spa"ing. 

hey, i design 5-star hotels, every once in a while i should be able to enjoy them right?! so i spent the day at the Chi Spa at the Shangri La Qaryat al Beri

here is the catch 22 of it all.  a spa is supposed to be an escape right?  the curse of a designer is that everywhere you go you are constantly critiquing, taking it all in and analyzing.  you have to keep telling yourself to shut your brain off and enjoy your massage, dinner, drinks, company... 

luckily for me, i was there long enough to take in the design and enjoy my treatments. 

here is a sneak peak at their wet relaxation area.

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