05 September 2010

i've been sucked in

ok, somehow it is september 5th already...

how is it that i've gone an entire week without blogging?  yikes...

the truth is, i've been sucked in... by this!

getting access to your favorite TV shows in the US when you are in the US is no problem... you've got the TV itself, netflix, Hulu, and even most channels replay current episodes on their websites.  outside of the US you're pretty much cut off, until now!

rent episodes of your favorite TV shows on iTunes for 99 cents a pop! this is genius, i see a bright future between itunes-tv rentals and I.

Fear not though, this week is jam packed with blog worthy material.  I am finally getting my own car this week after months of  what felt like a deranged scavenger hunt to get everything in order.  AND, i am headed to Kazakhstan for some weekend fun!

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