18 September 2010

adventures in kazakhstan: part two

bus through the countryside to charyn canyon

this bus tour was very amusing... it started off with my friend saying "oh, i forgot to tell you, on the weekends the tour is all in russian".  we figured, how much could the tour guide have to say anyway, i don't think there were five minutes of silence on our four hour drive to the canyon!  we have no idea what was said other than the photo she held up of a farmer as we passed through the cornfields and another of a snake as we neared the canyon...
 views from the bus.
 fruit stand, looks lovely!
 but our bus tour decided to stop here... at the roadside fish "market"...
 and after about what i figured was 10km on a dirt road the canyon revealed itself!
 a view from inside.
 rock bridge.
 yurt in a canyon
 charyn river
 grand canyonesque.
bus gives perspective to the middle of nowhere
 sunset ride home.

overall a great day outdoors!  easy hike, good company, lunch by the river, and that irreplaceable feeling of freedom that you can only find when you are in the middle of nowhere!

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