22 September 2010

if it ain't broke...

apple is one smart company.  always coming out with new products and no matter whether or not you need another gadget, their all around ingenuity leaves you desperate for more!

now fortunately for me, i had what my dad calls "good raisins" which taught me to discern between want and need.  do i only buy what i need all the time?  no, that wouldn't be any fun.  but with my technology, i do kind of stick to that rule, if it ain't broke... don't buy a new one. 

so needless to say, i am more than excited at the timely breaking of my 2nd generation i-pod shuffle and its alignment with apple's release of the new nano.  

rip shuffle... we've ran many miles together!

i actually still have an ipod mini that still works! even though this one never officially died, it isn't really functional without being constantly hooked life support... and has been that way for quite some time..  remember these? 

is that a black and white screen? this gadget was first released in 2004... check out its modern day equivalent, just a short 6 years later.

less than two inches square, with a color touch screen! perfect for the gym :)

now the only question is... what color?

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