25 September 2010


this weekend in abu dhabi, the ADNEC is hosting the Abu Dhabi Int'l Hunting & Equestrian Exhibition.  since my hotel is attached to the ADNEC, i had no reason not to check it out!  

now, i'll be frank with you here...  i'm from indiana, and when someone says the words "hunting expo" to me, i have visions of guys in bass fishing and beer tshirts (and a select few with the infamous mullet haircut) checking out the latest in day-glo orange hunting outfits and fish-finders.  not that there is anything wrong with that (except for the mullet part)... but you might be able to see why when i walked into the expo yesterday i was stunned by a completely new and different picture of what a "hunting expo" could be.  

here is what i saw:  

 extreme dune buggies
 falcons everywhere.
one of my favorite finds at the expo, falcon headdress fashions.   the crafsmenship of these items is pretty amazing, it is like a designer handbag for your falcon's head!
 extreme taxidermy
 camping.  arabian style.  i would love to go on one of these trips! 
around the "campfire".  now, i have a few friends that don't like camping. I think if i promised them a trip to the desert that looked like this they would be singing a different tune!

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