31 July 2010


a blog-loving friend of mine often passes along links to me that she finds entertaining. she sent one on to me this weekend classified as a dating blog written by a guy she deemed "so funny". when i clicked the link, this image appeared. 

in the UAE, there are rules about what is and isn't acceptable content on the internet... and let me tell you these rules are much different than what the average American is used to seeing.  most parents in the US fear what their children might stumble upon by accident over the internet.  i'm not sure parents here would share the same fear.

while most of the categories block sites for reasons to do with crime prevention and national security, it turns out the blog i was trying to read fell under the category of "dating internet content".  within the description of this category it states more or less that the concept of dating/matchmaking doesn't really jive with the ethics and morals of the UAE.  most Americans would react wildly to this because it doesn't jive with their own line of thinking.  i am taking a more diplomatic approach: respect the local law and culture.  this is their country, and while i am in it, i will be sticking to this concept: "when you live under my roof, you follow my rules"  and that means no complaining about what can or can't be viewed on the internet for starters...

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