19 July 2010

more than i can chew

i was killing some time at the airport today when i wandered into the airport bookstore...

i perused all of the sections trying to decide what subject i would benefit from reading up on.  my move from new york to abu dhabi has taken me from a very active lifestyle to a very sedentary one.  on any given day in new york i walked at least two miles.  and as i mentioned earlier, abu dhabi is a city of drivers, good for my selection of shoes, and not so great for my fitness. 

so i decided to peruse the health and fitness section and this is what i landed on:

now, i've known people that have read this book and liked it, but they never really went into any great detail about the content.  let me tell you, i thought i was in for a sarcastic lesson on the basics of healthy eating, but i have inadvertently bitten off more that i can chew!  these ladies have some tough things to say about the food industry and the way most of us choose to eat everyday.  as hard as it is to hear, i can see the validity of a lot of what they have to say.  what are they promoting?  becoming vegan.  that is a tall order for someone like me, you all know how much i love bacon.  this book is having the same effect on me as the movie Supersize Me.  I couldn't eat McDonalds for at least a month, and now i only really have the occasional happy meal.  as for the authors of Skinny Bitch, they go into so much detail about the inner workings of slaughterhouses and farming techniques that they put me right of the bacon i just had for breakfast, but enough to make me vegan, i'm not so sure.  while i can't take every bit of advice they are giving, they do have some salient points, more fruits and vegetables, less sugar, more exercise.  things we've heard before but it never hurts to hear again from time to time!

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