27 July 2010

wedding mode

ok, so whenever i feel the need to kick my butt back into shape; i usually pick some date in the future, mostly in relation to some upcoming event and use it as my motivation.  i call them by "modes".  So far there has been "grammy mode", "vegas mode", lately i'm in what i am calling "wedding mode". 

you already know i attempted to kick start some better nutritional habits when i picked up the book skinny bitch. As outrageous as that book seemed to me, i have taken some things away from it.  i stopped drinking soda.  I really threw off the tea boy when i told him i didn't want anymore coke light's in the afternoon!  i started drinking the appropriate amount of water they say you should have every day.  and in an attempt to pick up a little part of the vegan lifestyle; I've currently switched to soy milk.  Silk is my favorite so far.

wedding mode also includes the gym, even on those days where i totally don't feel like going... today being one of them.

one of the great things about residing in a hotel (aside from someone making my bed for me everyday) is that there is a gym right here.  no excuses.  aloft abu dhabi has a great gym called re:charge which they sell memberships to for those of you living in the area!

i've also discovered a great brand of fitness equipment at re:charge called Life Fitness.  these machines are AMAZING, they have more settings than you know what to do with, an "on board" virtual trainer, and at the end of each workout session you can stick a USB flash drive into the machine and it stores your workout info so you can track your progress over time. i love it!


  1. Silk is amazing!!! And because it doesn't have any dairy in it, you drink half a carton and not feel bloated!! The very vanilla is amazing!!

    p.s. - see, being a vegetarian/vegan isn't so hard is it?!

  2. Yep, I only drink soy now ;p

    I only eat meat 1-3 times a week, which is really all we as humans should be eating anyway....

    So,Keep it up B!

    My problem is the gym, as I don't have one right next door and I don't have the income to pay for one....so its going to be an uphill mental game on that one! Maybe we should have a competition to help us ;p jk....or not, think about it ;p

    Starting in September.

    love you!

  3. Brendan has fallen in love with Almond Milk. I'm not daring enough to try it yet...but he says it doesn't taste much different than regular milk in his cereal every morning. Maybe you can try that too?
