12 May 2010

workin' for the weekend

a lot has been accomplished this week, i exercised 3 times, my residency visa is sorted out, and we've started to settle in nicely over at the site trailer!  now it is time to reward myself with a little day trip to dubai!

this will certainly be the first of many trips there, and the purposes are 3 fold:

1. a nice visual break from abu dhabi
2. the burj khalifa, which at 2,717 feet is the tallest building in the world, and almost three times the height of my old office (aka the empire state building)

and thirdly...  car shopping!  we are hearing it is a lot cheaper to buy than to rent or lease, especially in Dubai, as the economy has slowed there a bit... here is what we hope to come back with :)

a volkswagen eos


a mini cooper :)

what ever it is, i've decided to go with a light color, the sand here is light and it makes any other color look dirty right away...

wish me luck!


  1. omg I've wanted an EOS ever since they came out! Get one of those! Will you have to sell it before you come back?

  2. Definitely the Mini-cooper brynnen! Then when you come back home, I can steal it from you :) Irish green with white racing stripes please.
