03 May 2010

jet L... A......G.........

feels exactly like it sounds.  like someone spun you around 100 times and asked you to walk in a straight line. 

the idea of flying back to the US in two weeks led me straight to "the internets" for some sort of remedy.  here is what i've found:

1. sleep a lot before you leave (yes, because i always have time to do that before i go on vacation)
2. sleep a lot on the plane
3. planes are like deserts people, drink water, not caffeine or booze! forget how the person in that aisle seat feels about you climbing over them ever 2 seconds...
4. pretend from the moment you get on your plane that you are in your new time zone
5. continue your normal exercise routine before you leave and after you land (see sarcastic remark from no.1)
6. get 15 minutes of daylight as soon as you land, sunglasses free.
7. adopt all eating and sleeping times of your new time zone asap
8. keep busy as soon as you land (you can and should sleep on the plane on your way home!)

here is what i've decided you need for sleeping as much as you can on the plane, especially if you are in coach like me!

super cute travel kit from Flight 001 (find it here)

Sound cancellation headphones from Bose (find them here)

and finally...also shamelessly i have to add...
that's right folks, you saw right... the Snuggie (those airplanes are always so freaking cold!)

looks like i have some shopping to do before my next flight... good luck to me finding a snuggie in abu dhabi, i think it was 100 degrees F out today!

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