03 June 2010

you say stop, and i say go, go, go...

driving in the uae is... hmm, how do i say this, chaos.  you take drivers from all over the world and stick them all together in one city with all of their driving habits that they've brought over from their respective homelands and all rules are out the window!  change 4 lanes at once, drive 150 km/hr on the highway (and that's slow), park on the sidewalk or 2 lanes and 2 rows deep on a main road.  no problem right?!

we've got some pretty entertaining road signage as well.  check out these two that are on the island where our construction site is located :)

channel the beatles...

i'll refrain from stating the obvious, take this one where you want to...

1 comment:

  1. that humps sign is awfully promiscuous for being in AD! I think for that picture you need to channel Fergie :)
