15 June 2010

ooohhhhhh the waiting is the hardest part

tom petty, you sing the song so well!

white iphone 4 is not available for pre-order or in-store pickup...tear.  what is a girl to do, wait for the white or buy the black.

i guess we'll just wait to see if apple makes any further announcements.



  1. Not that I can afford this right now with my job situation but...my insides actually hurt with how much I want this white iPhone!!! Until now I've been able to ignore this cool gadget because it only came in black (um, nothankyou) - but now...NOW...they have it in white!!! Oh sweet baby Jeebus, please let me find another job so I can spend my first paycheck on this :)

  2. keeping it clean will be the hardest part!
