13 June 2010

red tape

Oh the joys of moving to a new country... are starting to get to me!

most everything i want and need feels like it is standing in plain view across an eight lane highway packed with cars moving at Formula 1 speed and i can't get across.

it is one step forward and 5 steps to the side before you can move forward again.

after weeks of paperwork and retaking passport photos because the "background wasn't white enough" and being pricked with needles, i finally have my residency visa. ONE STEP FORWARD: now i can get a car, phone, bank account, apartment...

oh wait.  5 STEPS TO THE SIDE

you want to get a bank account? you need to get letters from your sponsor, but they are out of town for 2 weeks.

you want to buy a car?   you need a bank account (see above) and you also need to get a UAE license, but to do that you first need to have your license translated into arabic.  

you want a phone? but you can't get a 3gs when the iPhone 4 is right around the corner (my trip back to the US misses the release by 4 days, so another month will go by)

you want an apartment? i won't even go into this one again...

there is a tiny Veruca Salt(Willy Wonka) sitting on my right shoulder saying "I WANT it NOW" and a tiny version of my college roommate sitting on my left shoulder saying "PATIENCE is a VIRTUE"

where is the fast forward button?

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking that dear ;p LOVE YOU!!!

    its that way in every country where you arent a citizen--I had to do that every year in Australia, just to study and prove that I hadnt failed the previous year, hadnt contracted TB, had enough funds to maintain my life here etc etc.......every YEAR! its frustrating but its like giving birth, you forget about it once its all over ;p

    keep your head up!
