this post is dedicated to my dear friend colleen, as she and i share the very same love for shoes.
when i moved to new york two years ago, i came from arizona with a closet full of 4 inch heels and strappy sandals, you know... hot weather shoes. being that i moved in october, i had quite a rude awakening. i actually had to wear the ugg (ugly) boots that my mom threw in my boxes at the last minute saying "you're going to need these!"...and the couple pair of ballet flats i bought for my new location only kinda fit the bill.
so as you can guess, my heels took a hiatus, resting nicely on the shoe organizer in my tiny new york closet. this was a dark time for them, but walking two miles every day just wasn't their strong suit and taxis… i could afford not. so i benched them in one of the most fashionable cities in the world...
but recently, i pulled them from the closet, put them in a suitcase and toted them across the world to abu dhabi. and upon opening my suitcase, i saw them in a new light... in a city of driving where taxis are cheap, sun is plenty, and precipitation is rare. perfect shoe weather conditions!
and then it dawned on me, i am working in a construction trailer. i chewed on that for a second, and a scene from one of my favorite sex and the city episodes flashed through my mind (the one where carrie registers herself for shoes, because she is tired of buying gifts for her married friends).
at the end of the episode, she says this: "The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun."
so for occasions that require me to wear a hard hat, i bought these:
(i think with skinny jeans and a loose white top, i can rock this "construction" look!)
and for days where i am sitting in my office...something a little more like this:
hey, in an office with mostly men and only about four ladies... someone has to keep it fashionable!