09 October 2010


can someone please tell me how on earth we are already a third of the way through october?!

i clearly neglected this blog while i was gone!

my time in arizona felt like someone was holding down the fast forward button.  knowing that i'm not able to go home for a long time after this visit left a bit of a cloud over my head.... a whirlwind of shopping for things i can't get here, various appointments, parties, wedding celebrations, and brunches with family friends and relatives, all the while feeling my way through a mean dose of jet lag and trying to cram in as much QT with everyone as possible.  i love my family and friends there so much.  i needed more time.  i settled down into my seat on the plane back and i felt sad.

then i remembered a tip from a well traveled friend:  always have the next trip planned.  you have to have something to look forward to.

now, this doesn't cure my current homesick blues or negate the fact that i still have to stay out of the states for a while (tax purposes), but it does give me pause to remember that there is a whole world out there to explore.

i guess the only questions left are where? and who's with me?

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