30 October 2010

city walk: milano

there are few things i love more than a truly walkable city.  there is something magical about getting up in the morning, getting a coffee and a map, and walking a city you've never been to before. 

i like to peruse the map while sitting in a cafe with my coffee, get a general lay of the land, the points i think i'd like to see, and the general direction i need to go from there.  then, i put the map away.  don't be afraid of getting lost.  trying to talk to locals for directions is half of the experience, and looking back this is usually when i stumble upon some of my favorite parts of the city. 

here was the start of this walk: 

leave the hotel at a decent hour: 
i love sleep so this is always difficult for me, but the unique 
experience of the morning light and the emptiness of the city
are worth a an hour or so less sleep!

scout out coffee.

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