01 February 2011

cabin fever

if you've been following this blog then you already know a cardinal rule of mine: 

always have the next trip planned. 

my how i've broken that one in the last couple of months.  people, i need a vacation! 

now, while the side of me that has adapted to this lazy lifestyle of the UAE would like to go to some remote island and sit by the ocean, the side that i used to know says i should do something to push me out of this rut i seem to be in lately. 

so here is what i am thinking, some camping and hiking are in order!  

where:  snake canyon, oman. 

while there are plenty of tours available for this sort of thing, i'm thinking some friends, and SUV, and a couple of tents are the way to go!

i have it on good authority that this is an amazing hike full of killer scenery and adventure... there are even some swimming portions involved!!! this will definitely be a good motivation for maintaining some gym habits in the coming weeks!

now the only question is: when?

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