23 December 2010

i'm dreaming of a....

...white christmas?

hmm, let's take a minute to ponder that one... every year, we take a dozen or so cardboard boxes out of storage and decorate our houses for christmas.  my favorite decoration was always my mothers nativity scene, which is ceramic and handpainted by my mother herself (but if you ask her, she isn't creative or "arty" at all).

i'd take out the statues of mary and joseph, the wise-men, the angel, sheep, and camels and place them all in a perfect arrangement.  the tree, i think i usually got frustrated with about halfway through, but the nativity scene i loved from start to finish.

being in the middle east for christmas this year got me thinking; where does this notion of a white christmas really come from?  really i'm just desperate to find ways to connect with christmas while feeling so far away from my family.  and suddenly that nativity scene, those camels with ornate coverings draped over their backs, and the wise-men in their robes and headdress, came floating across my mind once again. and what i realized is that i'm much closer to the roots of christmas here, geographically anyways, than i ever was in the states.

white christmas, camels trekking across white desert sands perhaps?

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