21 February 2011


lately, my job has been rather intense.  construction keeps moving.  sometimes i feel like i am being put through one of those dog agility obstacle courses, only when i get to the end there is no treat... just someone telling me to run it again.  when i leave at the end of the day, i just feel exhausted.  i know i should go to the gym when all i really want to do is go lounge on my sofa with a glass of wine. 

don't get me wrong, the end goal is worth it; a sparkly new building where there used to be a plot of white sand!

so how do you fight the little cocktail devil sitting on one shoulder and go for the gym angel sitting on the other?   well... it isn't easy, but a good friend and colleague of mine once put that into perspective for me at the end of one particularly exhausting day.  he said to me:

you are mentally tired.  you are not physically tired.  think about what you did all day...

if you are like a majority of people, your job involves sitting, a lot of sitting.  sitting in your car on the way to the office. sitting at your desk.  sitting in meetings.  sitting, sitting, sitting. 

when you look at it from this perspective, it makes it hard to argue with the gym.  mental exhaustion can trick you into believing that you are physically tired.  

i used to be a long distance swimmer.  i got some sort of high from really intense practices.  after what felt like a "long day at school" (if i only knew what hard work was then)... i'd go straight to the pool, no time to think about how "tired" i felt, and with a coach expecting me on the deck and in the water stat.  i would leave feeling exhausted, but on top of the world at the same time. 

i've been adhering to this state of mind lately, i leave work, lace up my new balance and head directly to the gym regardless of how "tired" i am feeling, and for some reason lately, i have been running.  for those of you that know me you probably just fell off of your chair because i, in the past, have declared an absolute disdain for running! elliptical definitely, weights sure, swimming, spinning, aerobics, you name it... but  running was the last thing i would even consider doing.  seriously, my friends in school called me "track star"  because they knew how little i enjoyed this activity. 

i never thought i'd see the day, but i actually look forward to it!  it is like an eraser for the days events, a rewind, an undo button.  i leave with that same feeling i used to get from swimming... exhausted, but on top of the world at the same time.

check out these new kicks, a collaboration by new balance and j.crew... cute huh?!...
sorry ladies, they only made them for the men this time!

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