11 December 2010


this is a city i've always wanted to visit.  another one of those very walkable cities which is exactly what i did, only this time i had company.  since i arrived to prague on friday evening and was leaving saturday evening, there wasn't going to be much time for exploring.  luckily, i was able to coerce the marketing guy from the glass company i was visiting into walking around with me for the day!  it was much more enjoyable than a tour group and allowed me to see a lot more in a shorter amount of time, not to mention the company wasn't so bad either :)

one of the downfalls of having someone walk you around is that you don't spend much time looking at a map, listing places you want to see, you just kind of walk and take it all in.  it is a very relaxing way to see a city, but i'm afraid i don't remember the names or much of the information about the specific places i saw.  what i do remember is that prague is beautiful and i had an amazing day!  here is a little window into my day in prague.   

 view from my hotel room
 adorable toy store with wooden toys, they just don't make them like this anymore!
 picturesque pastries
 bell tower
 castle guards
 pretty church at castle
 old jewish cemetary in prague, nothing like the cemetary i visited in milan.  there are about 12 layers of graves and literally thousands of graves... interesting history, check it out here.
 love the detail in this door.
 i climbed a ridiculous amount of stairs to nab this view!

 they have this great idea in Prague to use these beautiful vintage cars as sightseeing vehicles you can hire to take you around the city, genius!
 a view from a bridge
 astronomical clock at old town city hall
 world's smallest hotel, really.
 town square

i really enjoyed Prague, i must get back there sooner rather than later... one day just wasn't enough!

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