30 October 2010

city walk: milano: duomo

once i had downed my first cappuccino of the day and was seeing the world through more caffeinated glasses, i realized that the light that day was perfect. there were soft diffused clouds that filtered the sunlight in a way that it lit the buildings without creating harsh shadows. it was a perfect fall day, the leaves were colorful and falling and the air was just cool enough for a jacket and boots (a rare treat now that i live in the land of eternal sunshine and heat).

the first thing i wanted to see before the day was too bustling with people was the duomo.  

they just don't make doors that look like this anymore
i am an interior designer, but i always love the outside of these buildings more...
you could take the elevator to the top... but did the building have an elevator in the beginning?  
NO.  don't be lazy, you will totally miss these amazing stairwells.  
i love the windows inside them. their depth shows how solid the building is, you really get a feel for its mass and can better appreciate the intricacies of its construction. 
i love gargoyles.  
 views from the top. 
right next door and my next stop is the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

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