14 May 2011

more, again.

looking for a way to get in shape?  i've found a new form of torture for you that will definitely do the job!...it is called boot camp kids, and i had no idea what i was in for. 

the one i signed up for is by Lion's Fitness.  you can usually find deals on GoNabit or Cobone
boot camp.  just some hardcore name for another fluffy aerobics class, right?  think again.  seriously, channel Demi Moore in GI Jane.  

let me give you a better image.  the class is on the beach taught by a Syrian dude named Mohammad that actually was in the military.  You will do more situps, push-ups, squats and lunges than you ever thought possible in one hour... and when you are done with those prepare yourself for sprints up and down the beach with a 10k sandbag belted to your person... now, start running. 

after the first class you might say "never again", but now i am a little addicted.  
with the outside temp ramping up by the day, i am thinking i need to move it inside, but what will i do without a drill sargent?